Reduce administrative concerns & focus on your guests

Forecast workloads taking into account promos, salary after/before weeks, weather, custom events.

Estimate required number of employee to maintain required service levels for each location. Reallocate or borrow/lend your employee hours based on this information.

Account for different employee speeds. Example, new employee works with lower speed and cannot be left alone at specific activities.

Optimise across multiple departments or locations within given employee sharing and preferences constraints. This ensures automated service level balancing between different locations. Especially usefull for pools of 50-300 employees.

Manually borrow and lend employee specific days between different stores (mobile workers) to cover unexpected leaves or uncovered demand. Optimise long term lent or multiple contract employees automatically, taking into account multiple work locations. Very useful for business with small teams and mobile workers to cover unexpected needs.

For shift managers: smarts tips for daily schedule changes. The system suggests automated best shifts when making daily changes.

For Operations Managers: Experiment with very flexible business rules engine to find out process improvements and new optimal ways to allocate you employee hours.

99% satisfied Business Process Rules.